Thursday, November 4, 2010

Developing a Topic for Brave New World

This “Brave New World” that we have read about manipulates its members of society from birth. Sir Ken Robinson’s video regarding the system of education includes some parallels to Brave New World. George Orwell's novel, 1984, does as well. Throughout the video, Robinson criticizes education today and the road to getting a college degree and job. He explains that our level of creativity decreases as our ages increase. In Brave New World, creativity is shut out from an early age so that there is no such thing at all. Robinson also brings up the question of why we are taught in classes grouped by age. He throws out the notion that kids these days are being educated in the same way goods are manufactured. He says, "only thing important about the children is date they’re manufactured." This relates to the idea of Brave New World. The children are placed into a certain lifestyle before they are born. Humans are made to work and function the way that the leaders want them to. "Wheels must turn steadily, but cannot turn untended." This means that the people in Brave New World are being monitored so that they all function the same. In schools these days, kids are taught the same principles, and are tested on the same skills. There is no room for creativity, as Robinson points out in his video. As students grow older and learn about what is valid and real, they shut out creativity and the ability to see things that are extraordinary
Brave New World has parallels in 1984, because of the way each society controls their members. However, Brave New World has more positive tactics and controls them through pleasure, while 1984 uses pain and strict rules. Although these differences are quite contrasting, both tactics are aimed at the same purpose. Both societies keep their subjects from feeling genuine emotion. These tactics keep the citizens from causing rebellion or distress among the people; it keeps everything in order. Also in that from birth, they teach the children that live in their societies to be robots. They follow the same routines because they are told to do so, in 1984 with the junior spies and in Brave New World, with the children displaying sexual acts because they were taught to do so.

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